open Unix;; open Random;; (*************************** Interval functions ****************************) let min (a:int) (b:int) = if (a < b) then a else b;; (* *) let max (a:int) (b:int) = - (min (-a) (-b));; (* *) let intersectIntervals (ainf, asup) (binf, bsup) = (max ainf binf, min asup bsup);; (*************************** Absolute pitch functions ****************************) let absolutePitchOfNote (note, octava) = note + 7*octava;; (* *) let noteOfAbsolutePitch pitch = (pitch mod 7, pitch/7);; (* *) let rangeOfInterval note interval = let pitch = absolutePitchOfNote note in (pitch - interval + 1, pitch + interval - 1);; (* *) let candidatesPitches range interval note = intersectIntervals range (rangeOfInterval note interval);; (* *) let selectPitch (inf, sup) = let size = sup - inf + 1 in let pitchFromZero = size in inf + pitchFromZero;; (* *) let selectNote (inf, sup) = noteOfAbsolutePitch (selectPitch (inf, sup));; (*************************** Octavas functions ****************************) let referenceOctava = 2;; (* *) let strOfUnkeyedOctava referenceOctava octava = let rec strOfOctavaAux n = if (n = 0) then " " else ( if (n > 0) then "'" ^ (strOfOctavaAux (n - 1)) else "," ^ (strOfOctavaAux (n + 1)) ) in strOfOctavaAux (octava - referenceOctava);; (* *) let strOfOctava octava = strOfUnkeyedOctava referenceOctava octava;; (*************************** Note functions ****************************) let initRandNote range = selectNote range;; (* *) let nextNote range interval note = selectNote (candidatesPitches range interval note);; (* *) let makeNoteList range interval n = let nextNoteAux = nextNote range interval in let rec makeNoteListAux note = function | 0 -> [] | nbNotes -> (note) ::(makeNoteListAux (nextNoteAux note) (nbNotes - 1)) in makeNoteListAux (initRandNote range) n;; (* *) let strOfNote (note, octava) = (match note with | 0 -> "c" | 1 -> "d" | 2 -> "e" | 3 -> "f" | 4 -> "g" | 5 -> "a" | 6 -> "b" | _ -> "err") ^ (strOfOctava octava);; (* *) let noteOfStr = function | "c" -> 0 | "d" -> 1 | "e" -> 2 | "f" -> 3 | "g" -> 4 | "a" -> 5 | "b" -> 6 | _ -> -1;; (* *) let octavedNoteOfStr str = (noteOfStr (String.sub str 0 1), int_of_string (String.sub str 1 1));; (* *) let rec strOfNoteList = function [] -> "" | h::t -> strOfNote h ^ " " ^ (strOfNoteList t);; (*************************** Clef functions ****************************) let rec listSize = function | [] -> 0 | h::t -> 1 + listSize t;; (* *) let rec removeKey key = function | [] -> [] | (k, r)::t when key = k -> removeKey key t | h::t -> h::(removeKey key t);; (* *) let selectKey keys = let nbKeys = listSize keys in let rec selectKeyAux = (function | h::[] -> h | h::t -> if ( nbKeys = 0) then h else (selectKeyAux t)) in selectKeyAux keys;; (* *) let keyChange formerKey keys = selectKey (removeKey formerKey keys);; (* *) let strOfKey key = "\n\\clef " ^ (match key with | 1 -> "treble" | 2 -> "alto" | 3 -> "tenor" | 4 -> "bass" | 5 -> "soprano" | 6 -> "mezzosoprano" | 7 -> "varbaritone" | _ -> "err") ^ " ";; (*************************** Exercise functions ****************************) let selectNbNotes maxNbNotes n = min ( (maxNbNotes + 1) + 1) n;; (* *) let makeExercise interval maxNbNotes keys n = let (firstKey, firstRange) = selectKey keys in if (listSize keys = 1) then [(firstKey, makeNoteList firstRange interval n)] else ( let rec makeExerciseAux previousKey = (function | 0 -> [] | n -> let (key, range) = keyChange previousKey keys in let nbNotes = selectNbNotes maxNbNotes n in (key, makeNoteList range interval nbNotes) ::(makeExerciseAux key (n - nbNotes)) ) in makeExerciseAux firstKey n );; (* *) let strOfExercise l = let rec strOfExerciseAux = (function | [] -> "" | (key, notes)::t -> strOfKey key ^ strOfNoteList notes ^ (strOfExerciseAux t)) in "\\version \"2.12.1\"\n{" ^ (strOfExerciseAux l) ^ "\n}\n";; (*************************** parser ****************************) (* *) let isAnOption str = "--" = String.sub str 0 2;; (* *) let getOptionIndex optionName = let rec findOptionName i = if (i = Array.length Sys.argv) then -1 else (if ("--" ^ optionName = Sys.argv.(i)) then i else findOptionName (i + 1) ) in findOptionName 1;; (* *) let getOptionIndexes optionName = let rec findOptionNames i = if (i = Array.length Sys.argv) then [] else ((if ("--" ^ optionName = Sys.argv.(i)) then i::(findOptionNames (i + 1)) else (findOptionNames (i + 1))) ) in findOptionNames 1;; (* *) let getOptionValue optionName = let optionNameIndex = getOptionIndex optionName in if (optionNameIndex <> -1) then Sys.argv.(optionNameIndex + 1) else "";; (* *) let getOptionValues optionName = let optionNameIndexes = getOptionIndexes optionName in let rec getOptionValuesAux beginingIndex = ( let rec getOptionValuesAuxAux index = ( if (index = Array.length Sys.argv or isAnOption Sys.argv.(index)) then [] else Sys.argv.(index)::(getOptionValuesAuxAux (index + 1)) ) in getOptionValuesAuxAux beginingIndex ) in getOptionValuesAux ( (function f -> f + 1) optionNameIndexes);; (* *) let ioKeyOfStr = function | "g2" -> 1 | "c3" -> 2 | "c4" -> 3 | "f4" -> 4 | "c1" -> 5 | "c2" -> 6 | "f3" -> 7 | _ -> -1;; (* *) let ioStrOfKey = function | 1 -> "g2" | 2 -> "c3" | 3 -> "c4" | 4 -> "f4" | 5 -> "c1" | 6 -> "c2" | 7 -> "f3" | _ -> "err";; (* *) let defaultRange = function | 1 -> ((noteOfStr "f", 2), (noteOfStr "g", 5)) | 2 -> ((noteOfStr "c", 2), (noteOfStr "c", 4)) | 3 -> ((noteOfStr "c", 2), (noteOfStr "c", 4)) | 4 -> ((noteOfStr "c", 1), (noteOfStr "g", 3)) | 5 -> ((noteOfStr "c", 2), (noteOfStr "c", 4)) | 6 -> ((noteOfStr "c", 2), (noteOfStr "c", 4)) | 7 -> ((noteOfStr "c", 1), (noteOfStr "g", 3));; (* *) let getKeysAndRanges l = let rec getKeyAndRange = (function | strkey::lower::upper::_ -> (ioKeyOfStr strkey, (octavedNoteOfStr lower, octavedNoteOfStr upper)) | strkey::_ -> let key = ioKeyOfStr strkey in (key, defaultRange key) ) in getKeyAndRange l;; (*************************** input-output ****************************) let getNbNotes = int_of_string ( let str = getOptionValue "nb" in ( if (str = "") then (print_string "# number of notes : " ; read_line ()) else str ));; (* *) let getInterval = int_of_string ( let str = getOptionValue "i" in ( if (str = "") then (print_string "# greater interval (1 for unisson, 2 for second...) : "; read_line ()) else str ));; (* *) let getNbSameKey= int_of_string ( let str = getOptionValue "max" in ( if (str = "") then (print_string "# maximum notes written with the same key : "; read_line ()) else str ));; (* *) let ioStrOfKeyWithSelection (index, b) = (ioStrOfKey index) ^ (if b then " (enabled)" else " (disabled)");; (* *) let ioStrOfKeys l = let rec ioStrOfKeysAux k = (function | [] -> "" | h::t -> (string_of_int k) ^ " - " ^ (ioStrOfKeyWithSelection h) ^ "\n" ^ (ioStrOfKeysAux (k + 1) t) ) in ioStrOfKeysAux 1 l;; (* *) let ioInitKey = [(1, false) ; (4, false) ; (7, false) ; (3, false) ; (2, false) ; (6, false) ; (5, false)];; (* *) let rec switchKey position = function | [] -> [] | (h, b)::t when position = 1 -> (h, not b)::t | h::t -> h::(switchKey (position - 1) t);; (* *) let ioSelectKeys = let optionValues = getOptionValues "key" in if (optionValues = []) then ( print_string "# here is he list of the available keys :\n"; let rec selectKeysAux l = ( print_string (ioStrOfKeys l); print_string ("# type the index of a key to enable (or disable) it " ^ "(0 when it's done) : "); let selectionStr = read_line () in let selection = int_of_string selectionStr in if (selection >= 1 && selection <= 7) then selectKeysAux (switchKey selection l) else l ) in let rec returnKeysWithRange = (function | [] -> [] | (k, true)::t -> (k, defaultRange k)::(returnKeysWithRange t) | _::t -> (returnKeysWithRange t) ) in (returnKeysWithRange (selectKeysAux ioInitKey), false) ) else (getKeysAndRanges optionValues, true);; (* *) let getRange k = print_string "# range for the key "; print_string (ioStrOfKey k); print_string "\n# type the lowest note's name (c, d, e, f, g, a or b) : "; let infNameStr = read_line () in let infName = noteOfStr infNameStr in print_string ("\n# type the lowest note's octava " ^ "(middle c is c3, type a positive value or zero) : "); let infOctavaStr = read_line () in let infOctava = int_of_string infOctavaStr in print_string "\n# type the highest note's name (c, d, e, f, g, a or b) : "; let supNameStr = read_line () in let supName = noteOfStr supNameStr in print_string ("\n# type the highest note's octava " ^ "(middle c is c3, type a positive value or zero) : "); let supOctavaStr = read_line () in let supOctava = int_of_string supOctavaStr in ((infName, infOctava), (supName, supOctava));; (* *) let ioStrOfNote (note, octava) = (match note with | 0 -> "c" | 1 -> "d" | 2 -> "e" | 3 -> "f" | 4 -> "g" | 5 -> "a" | 6 -> "b" | _ -> "err") ^ (string_of_int octava);; (* *) let strOfRange (inf, sup) = "from " ^ (ioStrOfNote inf) ^ " to " ^ (ioStrOfNote sup);; (* *) let ioStrOfKeyWithRange (index, r) = (ioStrOfKey index) ^ " " ^ (strOfRange r);; (* *) let ioStrOfKeysWithRange l = let rec ioStrOfKeysAux k = (function | [] -> "" | h::t -> (string_of_int k) ^ " - " ^ (ioStrOfKeyWithRange h) ^ "\n" ^ (ioStrOfKeysAux (k + 1) t) ) in ioStrOfKeysAux 1 l;; (* *) let rec absolutePitchesOfNotes = function | [] -> [] | (k, (inf, sup))::t -> (k, (absolutePitchOfNote inf, absolutePitchOfNote sup)) ::(absolutePitchesOfNotes t);; (* *) let editRanges l = print_string "# here is he list of the selected keys :\n"; let rec editRangeAux position = (function | [] -> [] | (k, r)::t when position = 1 -> (k, getRange k)::t | h::t -> h::(editRangeAux (position - 1) t) ) in let rec selectRanges l = ( print_string (ioStrOfKeysWithRange l); print_string ("# type the index of a key to edit its range " ^ "(0 when it's done) : "); let selectionStr = read_line () in let selection = int_of_string selectionStr in if (selection >= 1 && selection <= 7) then selectRanges (editRangeAux selection l) else l ) in absolutePitchesOfNotes (selectRanges l);; (* *) let writeExercise e fStr = let fic = open_out fStr in output_string fic (strOfExercise e); let _ = close_out fic in ();; (* *) let rec writeExerciseIfAsked e = let outputFile = getOptionValue "o" in let (fName, writeAsked) = ( if (outputFile = "") then ( print_string "1 - print source\n2 - write in a file\n# type your answer : "; let str = read_line() in let answer = int_of_string str in match answer with | 1 -> ("", false) | 2 -> print_string ("# type the name of the file without the extension " ^ "(e.g. \"exercise\" if you want an \"exercise.pdf\" file), " ^ "type nothing for \"output.pdf\") : "); (read_line(), true) ) else ( if (outputFile = "stdout") then ("", false) else (outputFile, true) ) ) in if (writeAsked) then ( let fName = ( if (fName = "") then "" else fName ^ ".ly") in writeExercise e fName; let _ = Unix.system ("lilypond " ^ fName) in (); ) else (print_string ("%%% begin lilypond source code %%%\n" ^ (strOfExercise e) ^ "\n%%% end lilypond source code %%%"));; (*************************** Main ! ****************************) let main = let nbNotes = getNbNotes in let interval = getInterval in let nbSameKey = getNbSameKey in let (keys, initializated) = ioSelectKeys in let keysWithRanges = (if (initializated) then absolutePitchesOfNotes keys else editRanges keys ) in let exo = makeExercise interval nbSameKey keysWithRanges nbNotes in writeExerciseIfAsked exo;;